

We Use Only Whole Food Ingredients.

Whole food ingredients are those that are processed and refined as little as possible before being consumed - and just want what you will find in a No Junk Raw Protein Bar. Our simple ingredients are put together, in bowl and gently mixed to give you pure, wholesome goodness.

Simply sweetened with raw, organic dates, organic fruit.

You will not find highly processed organic brown rice syrup or agave in our bars. We believe in sweetening with real food - organic dates from mother nature. Our dates contain essential vitamins and minerals and has a low glycemic index number, therefore providing a longer and steadier source of energy.

We use 72%-100% Cacao

All of the dark chocolate in our bars have been chosen not only for their great taste, but for the functional benefits they offer our bodies. Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and blood sugar reduction properties to name a few. Learn more about these benefits on our blog.

How we differ from other protein bars.

Less is more. We don't use harmful syrups, fillers or preservatives for a quick fix. We simply use organic, easy to read ingredients that can be picked directly from nature. We don't claim to be a typical protein bar because these won't be found in the nutrition bar aisle. They are refrigerated and fresh made weekly - we keep it simple. because great tasting food should be just that.

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